Thursday, 5 January 2012

How to purify your soul?

How to purify your soul? We always want to have pure things, such as pure heart, pure mind, and even pure foods. Of course we don’t want to have any polluted stuff with us, especially when it comes to our souls. The purity of one’s soul is very essential in achieving the best of his personality and life as a whole. Thus, we must find the ways to clean it and keep it away from contamination. The following are five steps to purify our souls and live purely in this world full of corruption.
1. Know your soul. Firstly, we should have the knowledge on what we are trying to cleanse here – our souls. If you don’t know what a soul is, then you will be in a great darkness in your way to purifying it. Hence, we must have a clear picture of what this thing is. The soul is different from your body, for it is intangible. It is not the same as your spirit, since the latter purely comes from God, whom is also a spirit. Different from your flesh (which includes your muscles, bones, blood, and all the matters of Earth which compose you), your soul encompasses your thoughts, feelings, emotions, habits, attitudes and all the unseen items that make your whole personality. Unlike your spirit that comes totally from God, your soul is the persona that you choose and create. It is also the intermediary being between our flesh and our spirits. The soul is YOU – the one in the middle between God (spirit) and the flesh (body).
2. Conquer your flesh and be spiritual (Body purification). After reading the first step, you must now have an idea of what a soul is and know how to distinguish it from your body and spirit. By knowing that your soul is you, whom are in the midst of choosing between your spirit that comes from God and your body that is created from the elements of Physics, you must now serve your spirit and conquer your flesh. This also means you should serve God and overcome the earthly things. Conversationally, you must put yourself under the heaven while your feet are above the grounds of the Earth, and not the other way around. Does it sound geographically logical, isn’t it? Moreover, serving God is serving the heavenly things, such as love, faithfulness, gentleness, peacefulness, joy, self-control and righteousness. On the other hand, overcoming your flesh means conquering the desires of your flesh, such as greed, envy, lust, deceit and pride.
To be particular, you should overcome your greed of money, envy of material riches or fame, lust of body, acts of lying and pride for self-interest. Simply, you need to become truly spiritual rather than be material. By being spiritual and equipped with the virtue of self-control, you follow God while your body follows you (you are under the highest heaven, while you are on the top of the world). This is the result of keeping your body away from the weakness and diseases brought by lack of discipline, gluttony, drunkenness, sloth, carelessness and immorality. The discipline you gain from spirituality purifies your body.
3. Purify your wisdom (Mind purification). Wisdom is the ability to make righteous judgments based on your knowledge and realizations. With the knowledge you’ve acquired in the first step and the realizations you’ve achieved in the second step, you must now purify your choice. Here we must discern the wisdom that comes from God and the one that comes from evil. The wisdom that comes from God is pure and powerful, while the earthly wisdom is lowly and wicked. Since the heavenly things that include love and the likes are purer and more powerful than the things of the Earth, we must choose the things of God. We now have a choice based on our knowledge and pure wisdom. These spiritual knowledge and heavenly wisdom also purifies our mind and the way we think.
4. Practice and understand (Heart purification). Having the best choice to achieve purity of our souls does not mean we have already purified our souls. We cannot purify them by just cleansing our mind. We still need to cleanse the other parts of ourselves. We need to value and stand for the spiritual things we have chosen. Moreover, this value must lead us into actions. We will not understand the things of God if we will not practice them. To purify your soul, you must do the acts of loving, being faithful, being humble, and every acts of a spiritual person. This also means we need to actually depart from evil and never return to the practice of sinning, lying, immorality and iniquity. By practicing the things of God and actually leaving the evil things, we can gain spiritual understanding. This understanding verifies and justifies the Spirit of God in our hearts. Consequently, this purifies our heart and the way we feel.
5. Live it (Purification of the soul). Now, having pure body, mind and heart does not also mean you already have a pure soul. To have a pure soul you must have a pure life, pure personality and a pure you. You must not only purify your ways of thinking and feeling, but must also purify your living. If a choice is futile if not done, an action is also worthless if only done for a short time. Therefore, we must not only temporarily do the godly things that will purify our souls, but we must also practice them constantly. We must LIVE in love, in faithfulness, in righteousness and in all the spiritual things of God that purify our souls.

To purify your soul, you need to purify your body, your mind, your heart and your life. This includes purifying your health, thoughts, emotions, life and all the things that compose YOU.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


Human beings are more selfish in their craving for pleasure than any other livings beings. They enjoy the worldly life and give in to sensual pleasure with no thought for the welfare of others. Sensual people like long to experience more pleasures. They develop craving towards property and accumulate more property and are afraid to die bcoz they do not want to part with their property.
Other living beings have no such selfish ideas based on collecting things and hanging on to them. They use their five senses only for their survival and lead a natural life without wilfully cheating others. It has been said that only humans hoard more than they can eat. All the other animals take only as much as they need. What do not need they leave alone for others.
"Wealth is like sea-water; the more we drink, the thirstier we become; and the same is true of fame."

Sunday, 20 November 2011


God is an examiner,
We are all students, 
The life is the answer book,
In which we take the examination.
The worls is a hall,
Where we are sitting.
So take the examination
The time allowed is only three hours
The first hour's bell rings in the childhood.
The second in the youth
And third in the old age.
The bell of the last hour is
Rung by the messenger of God
The examination is over
The copy is snatched.
Life there comes to an end,
Don't try to cheat.
You can't receive any one yourself,
you may lose marks.
By wasting and writing nothing,
So write down what you know.
So that you may not repeat saying,
That paper was lengthy,
the time wa short.
If we fail,
We come back to the same hall.
Another new life once more
If we say
We go to heaven and return no more.

Thursday, 3 November 2011


Wisdom is not Knowledge. We do gain Knowledge after listening,reading and observing many things in this world but it is not wisdom in real sense. Wisdom only appears in the mind when mental hinderances, obstructions and other impurities are not active in the mind.
There are many learned people all over the world who no doubt have wonderful knowledge but nfortunately lack proper wisdom. Many people are intelligent but their behaviour however is not reasonable, as some are hot-tempered, egoistic, emotional, jealous, greedy and temperamental. Intellectuals  are more cunning rather than wise.
On the other hand, there are others who are very kind and although they have patience, tolerance and many other good qualities, their wisdom is very poor as they can be easily misled by others. If we develop our generosity without proper understanding, we could get into trouble as certain people can take undue advantage of us. understanding and good qualities must therefore go together.

"A learned fool is more foolish than an ignoranr fool."


A lot of fuss
A lot of tears 
A lot of people
A lot of money
A lot of time
And all for what ?
A lot of trouble
A little body !
A blob of protein
Fast unwinding,
A little corpse
Quick decaying.
No longer is it
Dear Father, mother
Or any other.
In spite of this
We must have
Consolations and coffins
Processions and Tombstones
Parties and mourning
Rites and rituals
Buried or burnt
Embalmed forever,
All for these little
Bloated bodies.
Sons remember
Grandsons little,
And after them
Are the dead forgotten,
Stones and bones alone remaining.
So is this not
A lot of nonsense ?

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


"Thus there is no limit to the glory of Sri Radha-kunda. By serving Radha-kunda, one can get an opportunity to become an assistant of Srimati Radharani under the eternal guidance of the gopis.
... one should place himself under the direct guidance of a particular associate of Krsna and should follow in his footsteps."

“The more progress is made in devotional service under the guidance of the Bhagavatas, the more one becomes fixed in the transcendental loving service of the Lord… The messages of the book Bhagavata, therefore, have to be received from the devotee Bhagavata,and the combination of these two Bhagavatas will help the neophyte devotee to make progress on and on."

"One should not, however, think himself on the level of Brahma to be initiated directly by the Lord from inside because in the present age no one can be accepted to be as pure asBrahma."


 May we all receive Srila Prabhupada’s mercyAnd work together to spread Krishna ConsciounessCompiled by this insignificant aspiring servant of the Vaisnavas And offered toHis Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiSrila Prabhupada On His Appearance Celebrati on September 1, 2002In the Brahma-samhita it is said that the Lord is never to be found by becoming a great scholar of the Vedic literatures, but He is very easily approachable through His pure devotee. In Vrndavana all the pure devotees pray for the mercy of Srimati Radharani, the pleasure potency of Lord Krsna. Srimati Radharani is a tenderhearted feminine counterpart of the supreme whole, resembling the perfectional stage of the worldly feminine nature. Therefore, the mercy of Radharani is available very readily to the sincere devotees, and once She recommends such a devotee to Lord Krsna, the Lord at once accepts the devotee's admittance into His association. The conclusion is, therefore, that one should be more serious about seeking the mercy of the devotee than that of the Lord directly, and by one's doing so (by the good will of the devotee) the natural attraction for the service of the Lord will be revived.